Iconic Open University

Department of Arts & Languages

graduation, profile picture, icon-1345143.jpg

Dr. Saidu O. Yahaya
HOD, Department of Arts & Languages

Speech from the HOD

Greetings to all the students of the Department of Arts and Languages.

I am pleased to welcome you all to the Iconic University a nascent university of the 21st century! I congratulate you for choosing our department for your study journey, I hope you are prepared to begin your studies with renewed enthusiasm.

I am confident that with your hard work and dedication you will be a success. I encourage you to make the most of the resources available to you in our department and to take advantage of the opportunities to explore and develop your knowledge and skills.

I believe that the combination of academics, research, creative projects and collaborations will provide you with an enriching experience.

Let us work together, with commitment and enthusiasm, to make this a memorable and successful department. Best of luck!


To promote, engage and enrich our students with the power and beauty of languages and arts to become successful, creative and empowered citizens of the world.


The Department of Arts and Languages strives to foster an appreciation of the arts, culture, and language by promoting creative expression, critical thinking, and meaningful dialogue.

Our LEcturers

Dr. Saidu O. Yahaya


Dr. Aishatu Tukur


Mrs. Jamila Aminu Mika'ilu


Dr. Sirajo Gulubba


Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf


Dr. Hamza Balarabe


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